Friday, March 26, 2010

Sautéed Chicken and Spring Vegetables

On Thursdays, the husband plays basketball with his mates. He gets home shortly after 8 and I get home around 6. That means I have two uninterrupted hours, give or take. Sometimes, I will use the time to make an elaborate, labor intensive dinner. Other times I will slack off watching things from the dvr, catching up on some reading or laundry. Last night it was the latter, but it wasn't the laundry or the reading, it was mindless tv. Ugh. So unproductive.

By the time I got off the couch, it was just before 8, yet I managed to whip dinner up in 25 minutes. Take that Rachel Ray, I don't even need your 30 minutes! We had a variation of a chicken picatta with capers and parsley and a spring vegetable sauté that included asparagus, chanterelle mushrooms, peas and baby artichokes.

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